Tuesday, April 21, 2009


In 25 days, my life as I know it will end. Meaning I will be graduating from University and I will no longer be a full time student. Now I'm just one of the thousands of people searching desparately for a job. I have applied to so many different hospitals that i don't even know exactly what the different hospitals have to offer. I'm just throwing my resume everywhere and have not gotten any bites. Stress is a great companion right now in my life. I still know that God is in control and that someday, I will get a job--I just do not like the feeling that I am graduating without any idea of where I am going and therefore, I must go home.

I have spent the last four years at University to avoid the stressful job seeking. Who knew that when I started, the economy would be at an all time low the very year I graduated. God did. I must find comfort in the fact that God knows what is going to happen and that He will take care of me. That is hard to do right now at this very moment, but most of the time I am content with what will happen. Right now, however, all I want to do is cry and sleep until I can wake up and not feel stressed anymore. I think this heat is making me tired. Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to apply and look for jobs. Thanks!