Friday, March 20, 2009

Job Interviews...and Rejections

Yeah, they happen and I have become to realize, are no fun. The interview itself was a great experience and I knew that the position had many people after it, but I still have the deep feeling of inadequacy. I know in my heart of hearts that I was qualified for the job and who knows why I was not asked to move on in the process, but they liked me enough for an interview and that is a step closer than I have gone before. I now also have some experience in that area. Next time, I will do better.

I also need to remember that God is in control, I need not worry. God was not surprised at the fact that I did not get the job, God has something else in mind for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sitting around waiting for God to bring something to me--I've been applying to different hospitals like crazy and continue to look at different places to apply. I know that whatever comes of this job search, everything will be okay--life will continue. I need to remember that I am extremely blessed as is and the world will not end if I do not get a job right after graduation. Maybe I'll be working at Starbucks until something comes up. Who knows? God, and God knows my dreams, my passions, my desires and God is not going to cheat me of them. God is not someone who looks down and thinks about all the ways to torture me, ways to make me feel terrible and inadequate. No, God made me with all of my passions, desires, dreams, hopes and with a good reason! The road of trust has been hard, but I have slowly been crawling down it toward God. The more I crawl, the more I realize that God is always with me and helping me through life, the more God helps me to stand and walk beside me. It is such a comfort to know that I am not alone. Ever. I am excited to see what God has in store for me.

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